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Are Babies in Global Countries Treated With Hiv Medications

Man immunodeficiency virus
Scanning electron micrograph of HIV-1 (in dark-green) budding from cultured lymphocyte. Multiple round bumps on jail cell surface represent sites of assembly and budding of virions.
Virus classification

Group VI (ssRNA-RT)









  • Human immunodeficiency virus 1
  • Human immunodeficiency virus 2

HIV and AIDS explained in a simple mode

Percent of adults that are infected with HIV per state at the end of 2005

 15–50% (xv-50 people out of 100)

 5–xv% (five-fifteen people out of 100)

 one–5% (one-five people out of 100)

 0.five–1.0% (1-2 people out of 200)

 0.1–0.v% (i-5 people out of 1000)

 <0.1% (less than 1 person out of 1000)

Diagram of the immature and mature forms of HIV

Man immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a blazon of virus called a retrovirus, which infects the human allowed system (the arrangement in the trunk which is in charge of fighting off illness). HIV may cause AIDS (a collection of diseases and symptoms) by eventually killing the white blood cells which a salubrious trunk uses to fight off diseases.

How people get infected [change | change source]

Information technology is possible that a person can get infected with HIV if any torso liquid with the virus gets into their body. The body liquids that carry HIV are blood, semen, liquid from the vagina, and breast milk. The liquids can go into the body through injured pare. The liquids can besides enter through the mouth, eyes, nose, vagina, anus, or penis. However, though HIV might enter the body through any of these places, when people get HIV by having sex activity, the virus usually enters the body through the vagina or anus.

There are some mutual ways to go HIV:

  • A person with HIV tin give a sexual partner the virus if they have unprotected sex. That means having sexual intercourse without a safety.
  • A person tin go HIV if he or she uses the same needle as a person with HIV to inject drugs or get a tattoo.
  • A person may get HIV if he or she is stuck by a needle that was used on a patient with HIV.
  • Babies can get the virus from their mothers when they are born or when they are breastfeeding. A baby may be protected from getting HIV this way if their mother takes certain medications while she is pregnant.
  • Claret transfusions using infected blood products was a common cause of HIV. The claret had been taken from people with HIV infections. Now, in the developed world screening of blood products for HIV has mostly stopped this happening. However, people may all the same get HIV from blood transfusions in less-developed countries if claret is not screened carefully.

A person cannot get infected with HIV from non-sexual touching, similar a hug or handshake, or touching someone else's saliva. A person cannot get HIV from an insect bite, a coughing, or a sneeze.[1] People too cannot become HIV from touching light switches, using toilets, or drinking from the same glass every bit a person with HIV.

Data [change | change source]

Comparing of HIV species
Species Virulence Infectivity Prevalence Inferred origin
HIV-one Loftier High Global Mutual Chimpanzee
HIV-2 Lower Low Due west Africa Sooty Mangabey
Estimated per-act risk for conquering of HIV past exposure route [ii] [3] [iv]
Exposure Route [5] Estimated infections per 10,000 exposures to an infected source [6]
Blood transfusion
[Being given blood in a transfusion]
9,000 (90%)[7]
Mother-to-kid, including pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding (without treatment)
[Mother giving her child or unborn child HIV, if she does not take medications to prevent giving the kid HIV]
2,500 (25%)[8]
Mother-to-child, including pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding (with optimal handling)
[Mother giving her child or unborn child HIV, if she takes the all-time possible medications to forbid giving the child HIV]
100–200 (1%–2%)[viii]
Needle-sharing injection drug utilise
[People sharing the same needle to inject illegal drugs]
67 (0.67%)[9]
Percutaneous needle stick
[Getting stuck by a needle used on a person with HIV - for instance, in healthcare]
30 (0.30%)[10]
Receptive anal intercourse (2009 and 2010 studies)
[Receiving anal sex activity]
170 (1.vii%) [thirty–890][eleven] / 143 [48–285][4]
Receptive anal intercourse (based on data of a 1992 study)
[Receiving anal sex]
l (0.five%)[12] [thirteen]
Insertive anal intercourse for uncircumcised men (2010 study)
[An uncircumsized man giving anal sex]
62 (0.62%)a [7–168][4]
Insertive anal intercourse for circumcised men (2010 study)
[A circumsized man giving anal sexual activity]
eleven (0.eleven%)a [2–24][4]
Insertive anal intercourse (based on data of a 1992 study)
[Giving anal sexual practice]
6.5 (0.065%)[12] [13]
Low-income country female-to-male person
[A woman giving a man HIV through sex; rate is for low-income countries]
38 (0.38%) [13–110][11]
Low-income country male-to-female
[A man giving a adult female HIV through sex activity; rate is for low-income countries]
thirty (0.3%) [14–63][11]
Receptive (female) penile-vaginal intercourse
[A woman receiving sexual intercourse from a man]
10 (0.1%)[12] [13] [14]
Insertive (male) penile-vaginal intercourse
[A human giving sexual intercourse to a woman]
5 (0.05%)[12] [13]
Fellating a man
[Performing oral sex on a man]
i (0.01%) b [13]
Man existence fellated
[A man receiving oral sex activity]
0.5 (0.005%) b [13]
a Other studies found insufficient testify that male person circumcision protects against HIV infection among men who take sex with men[15] [16]
b Oral trauma, sores, inflammation, concomitant sexually transmitted infections, ejaculation in the oral cavity, and systemic allowed suppression may increase HIV manual rate.[17]
"best-judge approximate"
Pooled transmission probability estimate.
Bracketed values correspond 95% conviction interval.

Treatment [change | change source]

Drug treatment [change | change source]

HIV causes a person to become more than decumbent to illness, so infected people demand handling options. However, there is no cure for HIV. To assistance ease negative symptoms, drugs called anti-retroviral therapy (ART) are available. This treatment is likewise called high active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART). HAART treatment begins with one non-nucleoside opposite transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) and two nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs).[18] The NRTI drug could be named zidovudine (AZT), tenofovir (TDF), andlamivudine (3TC), or emtricitabine (FTC).[19]

These drugs ho-hum the progression of the HIV virus in the body.[19] Commonly, these treatments consist of a combination of three or more drugs, and each drug performs a dissimilar job in fighting the virus. In general, HAART prevents the HIV from multiplying and destroying CD4 cells. CD4 cells are necessary to help protect the body from infections and cancer.[20] Since the HIV virus destroys CD4 cells, it causes people with HIV to be more prone to illness.

It is recommended to first HAART if a person has HIV and has a CD4 cell count of less than or equal to 350 cells/mm3. This number tin can be determined by a doctor.[19] A person'due south age, sex, and other infections determine which handling he or she should take.[19] These medication regimens can help HIV-infected people alive longer, healthier lives, and can also assist preclude the HIV from advancing to AIDS.[21]

Symptoms of astute HIV infection

General treatment [change | modify source]

There has been controversy surrounding when the correct time to start therapy should be subsequently a person discovers that he or she has HIV. Recently, the answer has been that earlier treatment is recommended.[22] This is because, showtime, constructive therapy tin can prevent non-AIDS-related deaths. Second, therapy can prevent harm to a person's immune system. Third, therapy can aid prevent transmission of HIV to others, and can therefore reduce HIV prevalence overall.[22] Although there are some negative side effects of antiretroviral medications, the benefits of therapy commonly outweigh the negative effects.

Effects of therapy [change | change source]

Patients on HAART accept reported meaning improvements in physical health, emotional wellness, mental wellness, and daily function compared to HIV-positive patients not yet on treatment.[23] Nearly research has occurred in developing countries, and fiddling research has been done on the impacts of Fine art on household wellbeing.[23]

Although HAART can exist an constructive means to treating HIV, there tin can exist many negative side furnishings. Negative side furnishings can vary past drug, by ethnicity, and by drug interactions in the trunk. The post-obit list contains the nigh common and serious negative side furnishings associated with HAART medications to treat HIV.[24]

Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs)

  • Lactic acidosis, hepatic steatosis, and body fatty redistribution (lipodystrophy)
  • Fever, headache, rash, nausea, airsickness, diarrhea, fatigue

Nonnucleoside Contrary Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs)

  • Rash, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis
  • Fatigue, mood changes, liver function, insomnia
  • May have pregnant interactions with other drugs; dosage adjustments would exist required

Protease Inhibitors (PIs)

  • Metabolic abnormalities including dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, and lipodystrophy
  • May increment risk of bleeding in hemophiliacs
  • Rash, diarrhea, airsickness, taste perversion, fatigue
  • May accept meaning interactions with other drugs; dosage aligning would exist required

Fusion Inhibitors

  • Injection site reactions, neutropenia, increased frequency of pneumonia

Chemokine Coreceptor Antagonists

  • Diarrhea, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, headache, liver function, joint pain

Integrase Inhibitors

  • Nausea, diarrhea, headache, rash

Pharmacokinetic Enhancers

  • Increased serum creatinine, proteinuria, nausea, diarrhea [24]

Alternative therapy [modify | change source]

Many people living with HIV take tried using culling treatment methods, known as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Some types of CAM include stress direction, natural health products, massage/therapeutic touch, acupuncture, and homeopathy.[25] Stress direction can increment quality of life for a person with HIV.[25] Even with little evidence of its effectiveness, many people chose to try CAM because of the many negative side effects associated with HAART and the few negative side effects associated with CAM. Some HIV-infected people also try herbal medicines to treat HIV, but there has been no evidence showing any positive outcomes with the use of herbal remedies.[26]

Another blazon of culling therapy for treating HIV is micronutrient supplementation. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals, so these supplements would be in the course of a full general daily multivitamin. These supplements take been proven to help treat HIV because HIV can cause micronutrient deficiencies, so the supplements tin help replenish these needed vitamins and minerals. Although the supplements may not help ease all negative symptoms, they offering some benefits and are safe for HIV-infected patients.[26] Supplements are also safe for HIV-infected pregnant women and their children. Specifically, vitamin A and zinc have shown positive health effects.[26] There are no major negative side effects of vitamin and mineral supplements.[27]

Alternative therapies can aid to reduce symptoms of diseases like HIV, but do non cure the affliction, or stop the disease from spreading to other people.

PREP [modify | change source]

"PREP" or "PrEP" is pre-exposure prophylaxis. This means a person takes a drug before having risky sex. The drug 'Truvada' is a combination of 2 different anti-viral treatments: tenofovir and emtricitabine.[28] Truvada is very expensive, and not bachelor on the UK'south National Wellness Service.

References [alter | modify source]

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Other websites [change | modify source]

  • AIDS-HIV Resources and guidelines for prevention
  • Product for babies This article provides bones information near child products in a way that is easy to understand. This site as well has an article that provides Best babies products reviews.
  • AIDS Didactics Global Data System (AEGiS)

Are Babies in Global Countries Treated With Hiv Medications
